Saturday, July 30, 2011

Idiot Siblings For Sale, Anyone?

Is anyone willing to purchase an annoying sibling off of me? Someone? Anyone? -.-; 

I am currently so pissed off at my idiot of a brother. I own exactly 2 bottles of handsoap, both purchased by me. My brother took one and accidentally dropped it, causing the bottle to crack and soap to leak out everywhere. But that's not why I'm pissed. I'm pissed because he then, wondering why it cracked so easily, took the OTHER bottle and threw it against the ground, too! DDD< Now I have no soap.

...Not that anyone is likely to care. ^ ^; Just felt like posting this, to vent. 

Erm...yeah. You can continue whatever you were doing prior to reading this, which was probably at least 10 times more productive than what I'm doing right now. xD

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