Thursday, June 30, 2011

You're Actually Here Of Your Own Free Will? o-0

Well, if that was the case, I sure hope you didn't come here expecting very much. You may be disappointed. A few people on Fanfiction suggested to me that I should make an "official blog" for my FF penname, as a way to keep more organized (with updates, ideas, and such, I'm guessing) and let readers--if desired--follow me online. Personally, I doubt that anyone would actually want to do that. ^ ^; They would most likely get quite bored. 

However!! That brings me to the reason why I'm here. I honestly didn't really plan on following through with their suggestions (see reason for this above), but reality kicked in and I remembered that it is 117 degrees outside, I am on summer vacation, my brother hogs the video games, all my friends are taking fun trips out of state and actually doing interesting things during this vacation, while I sit at home alone, slowly mulling my way through online math summer school, terribly bored. And that, combined with the fact that I actually quite enjoy blogging, is the reason why this blog exists now.

So. Indeed, this is now my official Fanfiction blog. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol hi